Ke Wu
Ke WuAsst. Professor, Computer Science and EngineeringComputer Science and Engineering

About my Research

I’m interested in the intersection of cryptography, game theory, and related areas in Theoretical Computer Science. Specifically, I care about the following questions:

  1. How do we build better cryptographic protocols or circumvent impossibilities by introducing incentives and rational players?
  2. How can cryptography help in mechanism designs for decentralized applications?
  3. How to design ideal decentralized mechanisms?


  • Mechanism Design For Automated Market Makers
    with T-H. Hubert Chan, Elaine Shi


  • Game-Theoretically Fair Distributed Sampling (CRYPTO 2024, to appear)
    with Pratik Soni, Sri AravindaKrishnan Thyagarajan
  • Maximizing Miner Revenue in Transaction Fee Mechanism Design (ITCS 2024)
    with Hao Chung, Elaine Shi.
  • What Can Crypto Do For Decentralized Mechanism Design? (ITCS 2023)
    with Hao Chung, Elaine Shi.
  • log∗ -Round Game-Theoretically-Fair Leader Election (CRYPTO 2022).
    with Ilan Komargodski, Shin’ichiro Matsuo, Elaine Shi.
  • Beyond Single-Deletion Correcting Codes: Substitutions and Transpositions (IEEE Transaction on Information Theory and RANDOM 2022).
    with Ryan Gabrys, Venkatesan Guruswami and João Ribeiro
  • A Complete Characterization of Game-Theoretically Fair, Multi-Party Coin Toss (EUROCRYPT 2022).
    with Gilad Asharov and Elaine Shi.
  • A Practical Coding Scheme for the BSC with Feedback (ISIT 2021).
    with Aaron Wagner.
  • Non-interactive Anonymous Router (EUROCRYPT 2021).
    with Elaine Shi
  • Edit Errors with Block Transpositions: Deterministic Document Exchange Protocols and Almost Optimal Binary Codes (ICALP 2019).
    with Kuan Cheng, Zhengzhong Jin and Xin Li.
  • Synchronization Strings: Efficient and Fast Deterministic Constructions over Small Alphabets (SODA 2019).
    with Kuan Cheng, Bernhard Haeupler, Xin Li and Amirbehshad Shahrasbi
  • Deterministic Document Exchange Protocols, and Almost Optimal Binary Codes for Edit Errors (Journal of ACM and FOCS 2018).
    with Kuan Cheng, Zhengzhong Jin and Xin Li.

Invited Talks